
Сообщения за январь, 2022

What you need to know about Bitcoin?

The emergence of digital currencies is rightly considered a natural continuation of the evolution of means of mutual settlements.  The birth of a new generation of money, devoid of physical embodiment and representing an alphanumeric code protected using cryptographic encryption methods, was provoked by the global development and spread of online standards.  Now you can buy eth with a credit card or bitcoin on special exchanges. ​​​​​​​ Thinking about whether to buy bitcoin now?  There are significant differences between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, despite the obvious similarities.  The first digital asset has succeeded and is still succeeding in surpassing its smaller brothers in the struggle for supremacy.  Let's discuss the reasons that ensure the permanent leadership of Bitcoin in the ecosystem of alternative currencies.  Bitcoin's growth chart over the entire period of its existence can be compared to a zigzag curve, in which the amplitude of t...

Everything you need to know about cryptocurrency

Today we are faced with numerous changes in the financial market.  Many consumers have a preference for crypto assets.  In order to experience all the advantages of cryptocurrencies, you need to structure your knowledge in this area well. It is important to say that in order to find a crypto to buy , you need to find a good and proven exchange.  And this is not so easy.  However, you can always contact the time-tested places j2tx. ​​​​​​​ Features of cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency is a digital means of payment.  Today, some firms issue their own coins, the so-called tokens.  To receive them, you need to exchange money for tokens.  The decentralized method of organization allows for maximum security to carry out transactions with the presented currency. Today, the number of crypto projects is growing daily.  Crypto assets are an attractive and sustainable investment vehicle for all market participants.  Because of this, new coins are constant...